Monday, April 13, 2009

It was the best of times, it was the worst of was an MRI

Having an MRI was the most intense psychological experience of my life. Emotionally speaking, there's nothing right about being in that tiny tunnel, in the position I was in, for close to an hour. But when you realize that it's finally over, and that you managed to ignore every itch and muscle cramp and that they didn't have to start over even once....your elation is overwhelming! The only thing that comes close to the joy I felt when I left that tunnel was remembering how I felt when my daughter Emily suddenly decided to potty train herself at age 2.

I'm sure my joy was intensified knowing that by having this MRI, there was a greater chance that my surgeon would be able to find a way to remove my tumor without removing my entire breast. With surgery scheduled for this Friday the 17th, I was finally starting to feel some relief that we were at last on our way to recovery. Imagine my disappointment when the MRI tech. called me the following day to tell me that something went wrong with the imaging on my scan and that I was going to have to do it all over again AND that it would be a while before the machine was fixed AND my surgery would have to be postponed yet another week!

I'm so frustrated! I just want to get this behind me and get on with my life. Maybe in a sarcastic twisted way, that's why they call sick people "patients".


  1. Lousy machine! I'm sorry you have to wait another week. I wish I were closer and could do something to help. <3

  2. ha ha ha you are the best! way to make me less anxious for you. Aren't I supposed to be doing that for you?

  3. You need something to loosen you up. How about karaoke in a skanky bar this Friday?

  4. bummer, big bummer
    well, now at least you know what to expect...
    just make them prove to you the machine is
    working before you crawl in next time.
    they should make any mri techs stay in them for an hour before they do this to "patients"
    you know how police have to experience tasers and pepper spray before they are given these weapons...

  5. sara didn't say the last comment, anna-marie did, how strange

  6. i just signed up to follow your blog rosemary, i have been thinking about you every day. in the last 3 years i have had countless MRI's so i know what you are talking about. i think the sounds that the machine makes are really interesting. i usually just concentrate on them and try to make music in my head.

  7. oh, and in case you are wondering who "ellebella" is that's just a blog title, this is your cousin jenny :)
